
Conditions and Processes for Acquiring Turkish Citizenship

There are more than one way that a foreigner who wants to acquire Turkish citizenship can apply, and each way has its own application conditions. Below we have summarized the ways and conditions of winning in general. However, the path, process and required documents will change depending on your concrete situation and the conditions you provide. We recommend that you consult a lawyer specialized in this field and manage the process. You can contact us for your questions and legal requests on the subject.

Turkish citizenship can be acquired by the decision of the competent authority or by using the right to adopt or choose. Let's talk about how to gain Turkish citizenship, what are the ways to gain Turkish citizenship.

Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by the Decision of the Competent Authority
A foreigner who wants to acquire Turkish citizenship can acquire Turkish citizenship with the decision of the competent authority if he meets the conditions specified in the Law. However, fulfillment of the conditions does not provide an absolute right to acquire citizenship.

Requirements for application:

To be mature and empowered to discriminate under their own national law or, if stateless, Turkish law
Residing in Turkey for five consecutive years from the date of application
Confirming by his actions that he has decided to settle in Turkey
Not have a disease that poses a danger to general health
to have good morals
be able to speak enough Turkish
Having an income or occupation that will provide for themselves and their dependents in Turkey
Not to be in a situation that would constitute an obstacle in terms of national security and public order
This acquisition is also called the acquisition of Turkish citizenship in general.

Gaining Turkish Citizenship Through Investment

Foreigners who do not have any obstacles in terms of national security and public order and who meet one of the following conditions acquire Turkish citizenship. Conditions for acquiring Turkish citizenship by investment: Foreigners who have invested at least 500,000 USD or equivalent in foreign currency or Turkish Lira, or
Those who have purchased foreign currency or real estate with a value of at least 250.000 USD or equivalent, or have signed a preliminary sales contract, provided that they do not sell within three years from the date of purchase
Those who deposit at least USD 500,000 in Turkish banks or buy government debt instruments without being withdrawn for three years
Those who purchase participation shares with a real estate investment fund or venture capital investment fund of at least 500.000 USD or equivalent in foreign currency or Turkish Lira
Employing at least 50 people
If you ask how to acquire Turkish citizenship, you can benefit from gaining Turkish citizenship by investing.

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