
Who is CZN Burak?
CZN Buraklgullari

Personal CZN Burak's life

When Burak was only 13 years old, he worked in a restaurant with his grandfather. Its cuisine is a mixture of Arabic and Turkish.

Distance education faculty

CZN Burak's career
kitchen star

40 inch Kebab9GAG


He doesn't even care what he's doing.

six restaurants
CZN Burak's social media
giant smile

Twitter550,000 followers

CZN Burak also has a “cznburak” Instagram account with 31 million incredible followers. Burak frequently posts high quality photos showcasing new videos and funny reels.

YouTube channel3.5 million subscribers“I took the share of brother Ekrem :)”“Kuyu Kebab with the Difference of Czn Burak” p>

TikTok51.2 million followers“Michael Le”

How much does CZN Burak earn? Net worth!
$7 million $11.2 millionSix restaurants in Turkey and one in Dubai. p>

Interesting facts about CZN Burak

Burak's zodiac sign is Aries.
He is 5'9” or 175 centimeters tall.
It weighs 74 kg or 163 lb.
He started working in his grandfather's kitchen at the age of thirteen.
Burak's restaurants serve different cuisines, including Mediterranean, Barbecue, Turkish and Middle Eastern cuisines.
CZN Burak owns the “Hatay Civilizations Sofrası” series of restaurants consisting of 3 branches; Taksim, Aksaray and Etiler, Istanbul.
It opened its first overseas branch in Dubai-UAE in December 2020.
Hatay Medeniyetler Sofrası Aksaray is a unique place to eat and have fun. , as reviewed on TripAdvisor by the majority of its previous customers.
He was recognized by his co-star and Lebanese singer Nancy Ajram and invited him to his new home in Seyayleh.
UFC Champion Khabib Nurmagomedev is his ardent follower. After the boxing champion came to Istanbul, he went to meet Burak at his restaurant.
TikTok held an event in Turkey to celebrate and reward successful content creators in sports, comedy, fashion, food and categories. others. Burak left all the competitors behind and received the most coveted Turkey's Most Successful Content Producer award.
His father was also a cook.
Not much is known about his life. He has two sisters named Uğur and Aylin.
He is a graduate of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty.
The chef went viral after a video he shared. republished by 9GAG, where the chef makes a giant kebab.
It is famous for making 40-inch kebabs.
Czn Burak is a dog lover.
The chef is famous for making huge portions of Turkish and Middle Eastern dishes, as well as ordinary foods such as hamburgers and hot dogs.

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