Turqua Invest
راهنمای استانبول

Istanbul is one of the most unique cities in the world where two continents meet. Within the same city, you can travel to Europe or Asia in around an hour. Istanbul offers you many unique experiences due to its nature such as cruising on the Bosphorus or going through a tunnel under the Bosphorus to reach the other continent. Believe it or not, people could even walk from one continent to the other in 1954 due to the harsh winter that brought a huge ice block into the Bosphorus.

Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and is among the 15 largest urban areas in the world. It is located on the Bosporus Strait and covers the entire area of the Golden Horn, a natural harbor. Because of its size, Istanbul extends into both Europe and Asia. The city is the world’s only metropolis to be on more than one continent.

The city of Istanbul is important to geography because it has a long history that spans the rise and fall of the world's most famous empires. Due to its participation in these empires, Istanbul has also undergone various name changes.


Though Istanbul may have been inhabited as early as 3000 BCE, it was not a city until Greek colonists arrived in the area in the seventh century BCE. These colonists were led by King Byzas and settled there because of the strategic location along the Bosporus Strait. King Byzas named the city Byzantium after himself.

The Roman Empire (330–395)

Byzantium became a part of the Roman Empire in the 300s. During this time, the Roman emperor, Constantine the Great, undertook the rebuilding of the entire city. His goal was to make it stand out and give the city monuments similar to those found in Rome. In 330, Constantine declared the city as the capital of the entire Roman Empire and renamed it Constantinople. It grew and prospered as a result.

The Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire (395–1204 and 1261–1453)

After the death of the emperor Theodosius I in 395, however, enormous upheaval took place in the empire as his sons permanently divided it. Following the division, Constantinople became the capital of the Byzantine Empire in the 400s.

As part of the Byzantine Empire, the city became distinctly Greek, as opposed to its former identity in the Roman Empire. Because Constantinople was at the center of two continents, it became a center of commerce, culture, and diplomacy and grew considerably. In 532, though, the antigovernment Nika Revolt broke out among the city’s population and destroyed it. Afterward, many of its most outstanding monuments, one of which was the Hagia Sophia, were constructed during the city's rebuilding, and Constantinople became the center of the Greek Orthodox Church.

The Latin Empire (1204–1261)

Although Constantinople significantly prospered during decades following its becoming a part of the Byzantine Empire, the factors leading to its success also made it a target for conquering. For hundreds of years, troops from all over the Middle East attacked the city. For a time it was even controlled by members of the Fourth Crusade after the city was desecrated in 1204. Subsequently, Constantinople became the center of the Catholic Latin Empire.

As competition persisted between the Catholic Latin Empire and the Greek Orthodox Byzantine Empire, Constantinople was caught in the middle and began to significantly decay. It went financially bankrupt, the population declined, and it became vulnerable to further attacks as defense posts around the city crumbled. In 1261, in the midst of this turmoil, the Empire of Nicaea recaptured Constantinople, and it was returned to the Byzantine Empire. Around the same time, the Ottoman Turks began conquering the cities surrounding Constantinople, effectively cutting it off from many of its neighboring cities.

The Ottoman Empire (1453–1922)

After being considerably weakened, Constantinople was officially conquered by the Ottomans, led by Sultan Mehmed II on May 29, 1453, after a 53-day siege. During the siege, the last Byzantine emperor, Constantine XI, died while defending his city. Almost immediately, Constantinople was declared to be the capital of the Ottoman Empire and its name was changed to Istanbul.

Upon taking control of the city, Sultan Mehmed sought to rejuvenate Istanbul. He created the Grand Bazaar (one of the largest covered marketplaces in the world) and brought back fleeing Catholic and Greek Orthodox residents. In addition to these residents, he brought in Muslim, Christian, and Jewish families to establish a mixed populace. Sultan Mehmed also began the building of architectural monuments, schools, hospitals, public baths, and grand imperial mosques.

From 1520 to 1566, Suleiman the Magnificent controlled the Ottoman Empire, and there were many artistic and architectural achievements that made the city a major cultural, political, and commercial center. By the mid-1500s, its population had grown to almost 1 million inhabitants. The Ottoman Empire ruled Istanbul until it was defeated and occupied by the Allies in World War I.

The Republic of Turkey (1923–Present)

Following World War I, the Turkish War of Independence took place, and Istanbul became a part of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Istanbul was not the capital city of the new republic, and during the early years of its formation, Istanbul was overlooked; investment went into the new, centrally located capital, Ankara. In the 1940s and 1950s, though, Istanbul reemerged. New public squares, boulevards, and avenues were constructed—and many of the city’s historic buildings were demolished.

In the 1970s, Istanbul’s population rapidly increased, causing the city to expand into the nearby villages and forests, eventually creating a major world metropolis.

Istanbul Today

Istanbul's many historical areas were added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1985. In addition, because of its status as a world rising power, its history, and its importance to culture in both Europe and the world, Istanbul was designated the European Capital of Culture for 2010 by the European Union.

When To Visit
When To Visit
Summer is when all the tourists visit Istanbul from June to August. Especially July is the hottest month. If you prefer to evade the hot weather, you could prefer to visit Istanbul in mid-April or May to witness the awakening of nature which paints an amazing picture. You could also visit Istanbul in September and maybe early October when the weather is not that hot yet, occasional rainfalls may h
During the summer, the average temperature is 24°C. However, especially in July, the average is around 28°C and it can even exceed 30°C on the hottest days. The rainfall rarely happens in Istanbul during the summer, and the city gets around 10 hours of sunshine each day.
Turqua Invest
راهنمای حمل و نقل

There are many different public transportation options in Istanbul such as metro, metrobus, marmaray, tramway, bus and minibus. Each of these transportation options is used by the locals frequently. However, as a tourist, you will have to use only a few of them since you will be mostly visiting the central city.

Metro is the fastest option among them all. It is convenient and easy to use not only for locals but also for the tourists. Metro lines reach most of the landmarks and popular districts of Istanbul. Even though there are many different metro lines, only two of them will allow you to travel most of Istanbul.

M1A and M2 metro lines are the ones that you will be using. M1A is the line that travels between Yenikapı and the old Atatürk Airport that is no longer in use. This line travels most of Istanbul in one line and also allows you to go to Sultanahmet via tram lines that connect to it. M2 metro line is between Yenikapı and Hacıosman. This metro line is used to reach the entertainment centers Taksim and Beyoğlu.

Other than the metro, the tramway is another transportation option that you will be using. The T1 tram line travels between Kabataş and Bağcılar and allows you to reach some of the popular historical areas such as Beyazıt, Sultanahmet, Gülhane Park, Eminönü and even Karaköy.

Marmaray is another great option especially if you want to travel from one continent to the other. Even though metro lines travel on a similar route, marmaray travels much further, covering most of Istanbul in one line.

Buses, minibuses and metrobus are all frequently used transportation options by the locals of Istanbul. They are designed to reach the suburbs of the city making it easy for people to reach the central parts of the city. Even though metrobus travels right on the E5 highway, it does not reach the landmarks of Istanbul, you still need to transfer to another transportation option. In this case, it is better to use metro, marmaray and tramway to reach most of Istanbul as a tourist.

In order to pay for transportation, you need to buy IstanbulKart first. You could travel without buying this card, however, it would be a lot more expensive. IstanbulKart allows you to travel 40% cheaper compared to regular tickets. You only have to pay 7 TL for the card itself. Then, you can load money onto the card via a “biletmatik” machine that is yellow and black in color which only accepts cash and not even coins. When you are ready to go back to your home country, you can simply return the IstanbulKart and refund the 7 TL you paid for it.

Turqua Invest
محل اقامت در استانبول

Tomtom Suites یک هتل پنج ستاره است و در Karaköy، در نزدیکی بناهای تاریخی واقع شده است. تجربه اقامت در تامتوم سوئیت ها به دلیل ساختمان هتلی که در دهه 1850 ساخته شده، کاملا متفاوت است. اینترنت پرسرعت رایگان، خدمات حمل و نقل فرودگاهی، صبحانه رایگان، خدمات خشکشویی و اتو، خشکشویی، جکوزی، بار، تراس و همچنین ماساژ در سوئیت تامتوم وجود دارد. Tomtom Suites با وجود اینکه اقامتی مجلل ارائه می دهد، مقرون به صرفه است.

عمارت های کوکاتاس شش حس

در کنار تنگه بسفر، پاسگاه استانبول Six Senses از دو عمارت مرمت شده عثمانی در محله سرسبز و مرفه سارییر ساخته شده است که با قایق شخصی از مرکز فاصله دارد. به طرز خوشمزه ای ظریف است: داخل و خارج آن مانند پنیر لور خامه ای است. پنجره‌های وسیع پرتوهای نور را به داخل می‌دهند و فضاهای سر به فلک کشیده مرمری کم رنگ، دیوارهای با پانل‌های ظریف و قرنیزهای پیچیده را روشن می‌کنند و از تخت‌های برنجی بزرگ در بهترین 45 اتاق و سوئیت، چشم‌انداز بسفر را می‌دهند. آبگرم وسیع اواخر سال گذشته بر روی تپه ای بالای هتل افتتاح شد و مناظر شگفت انگیزی از سراسر تنگه دارد. به طور مناسب، درمان‌ها شامل گزینه‌های شرق-ملاقات-غرب مانند حمام سنتی (اسکراب کامل توسط یک درمانگر محلی) و کارگاه Alchemy Bar (ساخت محصولات خود با استفاده از مواد ارگانیک از باغ) است. در واقع، پیشنهادات منحصر به فرد استانبول شرقی-غربی در همه جا مشهود است، از مواد اولیه موجود در دو رستوران (پان آسیایی و ایتالیایی) در غذاهای رنگارنگ که هنرمندانه ارائه شده اند، تجربیات فرهنگی توصیه شده توسط خودی ها، و ابتکارات متمرکز بر جامعه که توسط هتل اداره می شود. Earth Lab که کارگاه‌های آموزشی اکو برای مهمانان برگزار می‌کند.

کنراد استانبول بسفر

Conrad Istanbul Bosphorus در بشیکتاش، محله ای در استانبول، و در نوار و نزدیک پیاده رو واقع شده است. کاخ توپکاپی و ایاصوفیه از نقاط برجسته فرهنگی هستند و برخی از بناهای برجسته منطقه عبارتند از مسجد آبی و برج گالاتا. به دنبال لذت بردن از یک رویداد یا یک بازی در حالی که در شهر هستید؟ ببینید در پارک وودافون چه خبر است. مدتی را به کاوش در فعالیت‌های این منطقه، از جمله گلف و خریدهای فروشگاهی اختصاص دهید.

چهار فصل استانبول

Four Seasons یک هتل پنج ستاره است که در نزدیکی تنگه بسفر واقع شده است. شما می توانید بسیاری از خدمات ارائه شده در چهار فصل مانند اینترنت پرسرعت، مرکز تناسب اندام، استخر، صبحانه رایگان، بار، اسپا، خدمات نگهداری از کودکان، پیشخدمت، خدمات خشکشویی و همچنین حمل و نقل فرودگاهی را بیابید. به دلیل پنج ستاره بودن و موقعیت مکانی آن، Four Seasons در مقایسه با سایر گزینه ها هتل گران قیمتی است.

Turqua Invest
کارهایی که باید انجام داد و مکان هایی برای بازدید

This is a Genoese tower that was built in the 14th century and is reckoned to be one of the most significant landmarks of Istanbul. The tower measures 220 feet and has nine stories. It also houses a restaurant on the top of the tower that features Turkish dance performances and traditional cuisines.

Surrounded by great clubs and wine bars, Galata is a hotspot for fun and entertainment. You can also have a panoramic view of the city from the top of the building.

Location: Bereketzade, Galata Kulesi, 34421 Beyoglu/Istanbul, Turkey


It is the most impressive historical venue in Istanbul that brings together a unique collection of artifacts and sculptures from Turkey and the Middle East. The museum consists of three different sections out of which the main is the Archeology Museum, and the other two are Tiled Pavilion of Mehmed the Conqueror and Museum of the Ancient Orient.

You can find a wealth of treasures on the show over here from Egyptian, Roman, Byzantine, and Hittite civilization.

Location: Cankurtaran, 34122 Fatih/Istanbul, Turkey


This is a drop-dead gorgeous fresco-laden and mosaic church that is considered to be one of the best examples of Byzantine monuments. It is supported by columns, surrounded by sixteen distinct long windows, and is illuminated by natural light.

The walls of the church depict the biblical stories and have images of Virgin Mary. It is one of the best places to visit in Istanbul for all those who wish to seek the best of religious bliss and architectural grandeur.

Location: Dervisali, Kariye Camii Sk. No:18, 34087 Fatih/Istanbul, Turkey


This is a cluster of nine islands in the Sea of Marmara and is considered to be a popular destination for the tourists as well as the locals alike to escape from the hectic city life. It is dotted with fragrant tangerine, lemon trees, pink magnolias, and impressive wooden mansions.

During the former times, royal empresses and princes were exiled here, and therefore, it came to be known as Prince’s Island. Whether you wish to experience the calm and sunshine or want to swim in the sea, Prince’s Island should be your go-to destination.

Location: Sea of Marmara, Istanbul


This ornate and beautiful palace is one of the most glamorous places in Istanbul that has carved a special place in the heart of the tourists. It was formerly the administrative center of the Ottoman empire, and naval ceremonies were organized over here during that time.

But now it has become a popular tourist attraction that gives a reflection of the European style opulence with its grandeur and neverending beauty. It has French style furniture, mammoth crystal chandeliers, and dazzling frescoed ceilings that allure the visitors.

Location: Visnezade, Dolmabahce Cd., 34357 Besiktas/Istanbul, Turkey


This is one of the best places to visit in Istanbul and is packed with hotels, restaurants, and exquisite shops. It also has the main subway station and a local bus terminal for efficient public transportation. Taksim Square is also the meeting point for public concerts, parades, New Year’s Eve, and other important shows.

The most popular attraction in Taksim Square is the Independence Monument that is commemorative of the Soviet Union during the Turkish War.

Location: Beyoglu, Istanbul


The Sultan Ahmet Mosque, also known as the Blue Mosque is located in the Sultanahmet square. The mosque was ordered to be built by Sultan Ahmet I. He wanted the mosque to complement the structure of Hagia Sophia, he wanted the mosque to be as much breathtaking. The Sultan Ahmet mosque draws attention to the handpainted Iznik ceramic tiles used inside. There are 20.000 tiles used on the interior in total. These handpainted tiles are mostly painted with blue and red inks. Due to the blue tiles found inside the mosque, it is also referred to as the Blue Mosque.

The Sultan Ahmet Mosque is also one of the unique mosques because of having six minarets. Traditionally mosques have either two or four minarets. However, the Sultan Ahmet Mosque has six minarets. Even though it is not confirmed, it is said that the mosque has six minarets due to a misunderstanding between one of the architects and the sultan Ahmet. Apparently, Sultan Ahmet I wanted “golden minarets” (“altın minare” in Turkish) however, the architect misunderstood this phrase as “six minarets” (“altı minare” in Turkish) and built six minarets as a result. Yet, this created a major problem. The only mosque with six minarets in the world was the mosque in Kaaba in Mecca. Fearing from being disrespectful, Sultan Ahmet I ordered a seventh minaret to be added to the mosque in Kaaba which solved the problem.


The Sultan Ahmet Mosque, also known as the Blue Mosque is located in the Sultanahmet square. The mosque was ordered to be built by Sultan Ahmet I. He wanted the mosque to complement the structure of Hagia Sophia, he wanted the mosque to be as much breathtaking. The Sultan Ahmet mosque draws attention to the handpainted Iznik ceramic tiles used inside. There are 20.000 tiles used on the interior in total. These handpainted tiles are mostly painted with blue and red inks. Due to the blue tiles found inside the mosque, it is also referred to as the Blue Mosque.

The Sultan Ahmet Mosque is also one of the unique mosques because of having six minarets. Traditionally mosques have either two or four minarets. However, the Sultan Ahmet Mosque has six minarets. Even though it is not confirmed, it is said that the mosque has six minarets due to a misunderstanding between one of the architects and the sultan Ahmet. Apparently, Sultan Ahmet I wanted “golden minarets” (“altın minare” in Turkish) however, the architect misunderstood this phrase as “six minarets” (“altı minare” in Turkish) and built six minarets as a result. Yet, this created a major problem. The only mosque with six minarets in the world was the mosque in Kaaba in Mecca. Fearing from being disrespectful, Sultan Ahmet I ordered a seventh minaret to be added to the mosque in Kaaba which solved the problem.

Turqua Invest
در استانبول چه بخوریم
سیب زمینی پخته (KUMPİR)
سیب زمینی پخته (KUMPİR)
در استانبول، بهترین مکان برای خوردن کومپیر Ortaköy است که در ساحل اروپا قرار دارد. اورتاکوی با کومپیرهایش آنقدر معروف است که ده ها فروشنده کومپیر را می توان در خیابان ها پیدا کرد. بهترین کافه برای امتحان Kumpir در Ortaköy بلتاش است. این کافه در کنار دریا واقع شده است و بهترین کافه برای تماشای منظره شگفت انگیز از استانبول است.
لوبیا خشک (KURU FASULYE)
لوبیا خشک (KURU FASULYE)
Kuru Fasülye. لوبیا لوبیا چه ویژگی خاصی دارد؟ خوب شما درست می گویید، خیلی جشن به نظر نمی رسد. اما اینجا می آید. چنین ماده ساده ای می تواند چنین بافت مخملی داشته باشد اگر ماهرانه با سایر مواد با کیفیت خوب پخته شود - کره، گوجه فرنگی و رب گوجه فرنگی. می توان آن را با یا بدون گوشت یا حتی با تکه های نازک ادویه دار خشک شده گوشت گاو به نام پاستیرما طبخ کرد.
دوروم (ساندویچ)
دوروم (ساندویچ)
Dürüm یکی دیگر از غذاهای خوشمزه ترکی است که شبیه به رول یا بوریتو است. دوروم را می توان با گوشت یا مرغ درست کرد. گوشت، گوجه فرنگی، ادویه جات و گاهی سبزی ها را با نوعی نان نازک می پیچند. در حالی که تقریباً در هر جایی می‌توانید دوروم را پیدا کنید، اگر می‌خواهید بهترین آن را بخورید، به شدت توصیه می‌کنیم در Dürümcü Baba در Yeşilköy، منطقه Florya، دوروم بخورید. این یک رستوران گران قیمت معروف است که افراد مشهور زیادی نیز از آن بازدید می کنند. این رستوران نه تنها دوروم بلکه بسیاری دیگر از غذاهای سنتی ترکی دارد. هر چیزی که در ای
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